The Popular Movement in Northern Syria: A Call for Peaceful Expression Amid Rising Tensions
Since July 1, 2024, cities in Northern Syria such as Azaz and Afrin have witnessed ongoing popular protests, which have now spread to other areas under Turkish influence and regions controlled by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.
These protests emerged as a reaction to repeated Turkish statements about normalization with the Assad regime and the opening of the Abu al-Zindeen crossing, seen by many as a move supporting this normalization process.
Additionally, the increasing incidents of racism against Syrians in Turkey’s Kayseri province, along with forced deportations, have further fueled public anger and heightened tensions in the region.
Although the movement is currently limited in scope, it carries significant implications for the Syrian people’s renewed confidence in their ability to influence change, breaking the cycle of helplessness and despair that has gripped many regions. This movement draws renewed attention to the Syrian cause, which has fallen in priority on the regional and international agendas, and emphasizes the ongoing suffering of the Syrian people and the urgent need for solutions.
The Syrian Democratic Alliance affirms its support for the legitimacy of this movement and its demands, while stressing the importance of maintaining its peaceful nature and avoiding internal conflicts that could be exploited by external actors.
The Alliance also calls for the continuation of constructive dialogue among all parties to resolve disputes in a way that benefits everyone.
At the same time, the Alliance emphasizes the importance of preserving the institutions that have been built through the significant efforts and sacrifices of the Syrian people, while also recognizing the need to restructure them based on principles of good governance to ensure transparency, accountability, and active political participation. The ultimate goal is to achieve Syrian decision-making independence and to pursue the interests of the Syrian people in a manner that guarantees a sustainable political solution that upholds their rights and dignity.